Large Hand Tied Flower Bouquet
The Large Hand-Tied Bouquet
A thoughtfully designed bouquet that embodies Wildflower Mercantile’s signature style—organic, textural, and effortlessly elegant. Each bouquet is artfully arranged with a selection of fresh, seasonal blooms, ensuring a one-of-a-kind creation every time.
Includes: 20-23 stems of premium flowers + lush greenery
Please Note: Each bouquet is thoughtfully designed using the freshest blooms available that week. While the exact flowers may vary, the overall style and color palette will be .
What we promise? A stunning, fresh arrangement that you (or your recipient) will absolutely love!
*Delivery available anywhere in the Comox Valley and surrounding area. Choose 'local delivery' under shipping options at check out
Want to pick up in store? let us know the date and time above and we'll have them ready for you.
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We ship anywhere in North America
This item(s) ships out within 1 to 5 business days via Canada Post or UPS.
Please note, if there is a custom lead time or backorder note in the item's description, it will ship within this timeframe once the piece is in stock.