Small Hand Tied Flower Bouquet
The Small Hand-Tied Bouquet
A thoughtfully designed bouquet that embodies Wildflower Mercantile’s signature style—organic, textural, and effortlessly elegant. Each bouquet is artfully arranged with a selection of fresh, seasonal blooms, ensuring a one-of-a-kind creation every time.
Includes: 8-10 stems of premium flowers + lush greenery
Please Note: Each bouquet is thoughtfully designed using the freshest blooms available that week. While the exact flowers may vary, the overall style and color palette will be .
What we promise? A stunning, fresh arrangement that you (or your recipient) will absolutely love!
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We ship anywhere in North America
This item(s) ships out within 1 to 5 business days via Canada Post or UPS.
Please note, if there is a custom lead time or backorder note in the item's description, it will ship within this timeframe once the piece is in stock.